Friday, October 15, 2004

“You be careful out among the English.”

The Movie: Witness, 1985 (William Kelley and Earl W. Wallace, screenwriters; Peter Weir, dir.)
Who says it: Jan Rubes as Eli Lapp, an Amish elder
The context: Lapp is saying farewell to John Book (Harrison Ford), a big-city policeman who has become one of the community.
How to use it: As a farewell and a reminder not to get too distracted by the modern world.

Yesterday's leg: zero miles, zero gas
Games/toys played with: Fisher-Price Dollhouse, Cranium Hullabaloo, several cool Fisher-Price musical toys

Today's quotation comes courtesy of my brother Ed. Neither of us could quite remember if it was "the English," or "them English," but IMDb says, "the English," so I'll defer to them.

Dizzy and I are back on the road this morning, headed to Charleston, WV. Yesterday turned out to be a perfect day to take a break, because it poured rain (which you saw, if you watched the Cardinals-Astros game). But today is bright and sunny, so we're on our way.

It was nice to have the extra day in Missouri, though. Dizzy chased squirrels and chipmunks, and didn't seem to care about the rain. That surprised me, because in California, Dizzy took the rain personally; it's only rained about 20 times in his whole life. (That's about to change...) I got some work done, played dolls with Siobhan, and did arm curls with Joe.

Whenever Dizzy spends time with kids, I imagine that he wonders why we don't have any at our house. Not that we have a house, at the moment, but Dizzy doesn't know that.

I had hoped to see my pal and sometime client Scott Phillips while passing through St. Louis, but Scott and his family went to Wichita yesterday (he said it was planned in advance... certainly it couldn't be personal...). The movie of Scott's first book, The Ice Harvest, comes out later this year, and everyone should see it. In the meantime, read Cottonwood, his latest, which I worked on.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be careful out there among them English.

My husband and I say it to each other all the time; it has become one of our favorite farewells.

I like your blog.
