Tuesday, January 11, 2011

"Nobody was saying anything at all/We were waiting for the end of the world."

The Song: "Waiting For the End of the World," Elvis Costello. Words & music by Elvis Costello. Track 12 of My Aim is True, 1978.
How/when acquired: Purchased cut-out cassette, 1984.
Watch/listen here.

January's a tough month; my brother James calls it "Suckuary." It ought to be a month of new beginnings — and it is, in many ways — but it's also a month when all the people and things who'd been holding on through the holidays break down, give up, admit defeat and die. And in the northern hemisphere, at least, days are short, nights are long, and temperatures are cold. Grim.

Sorry. Today's post is not only late, but a last-minute substitution for another post I'd had ready to go, in anticipation of news that's been pending since last week.

As a public relations professional, I offer this advice for free: when you have bad news to announce, do it quickly and simply. Don't explain, don't apologize, just report the information and move on to what you plan to do about it. Give people the courtesy and respect of letting them react and adjust as early as they can. If you can help them, great. Explaining, apologizing and asking for forgiveness don't count as helping.

Sorry to be cryptic. I personally am fine. More will be — should be — clear tomorrow.

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