Sunday, February 12, 2006


Who uses it: Computer technicians and network administrators
What it means: Computer hardware or software that keeps viruses, worms and intruders out of a computer system.
How you can use it: When protecting yourself.

I don't think I've mentioned this before, but I worked as a researcher on one of the redrafts of the latest Harrison Ford movie, Firewall. I haven't seen it yet, but I plan to, if only to see whether my name is anywhere in the credits (I doubt it). The ads alone give me a sinking feeling.

It's not snowing here yet, but the sky is very gray. If anything, I feel even crummier this morning than I did yesterday, so I am not going to church, and I'm not going to the movies, and I'm not going anywhere. I am pulling out my extra comforter and spending the day on the couch with some Theraflu. See you tomorrow.

P.S. In my sinus-infected haze, I forgot to say "happy birthday" to Adrienne Lakadat, who has now been my friend for almost 30 years. Happy days, Adrienne, happy year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Have you considered blood doping as a cure for your augue?

Yo u want snow? D.C. got snow. Anywhere from 8" to 12", depending on which neighborhood you're in. No reports of panic or cannibalism, yet. I'll keep you posted.
