Thursday, January 01, 2009

I do not know how to clear my left ear.

It's a silly thing to start the new year, but it's become a major distraction. A couple of weeks ago I had a cold that was really not so bad, but it's left my left ear clogged, and I haven't been able to clear it.

I've tried Sudafed, Afrin, saline flushes, hydrogen peroxide and hot water, and nothing has worked for more than about 20 minutes at a time. It's interfering with my hearing and making a roaring noise inside my head (no, I don't usually hear noises inside my head). Trying to pop my ears, airplane style, has no effect at all.

Anyone have any suggestions? This is not an infection; it's not painful, it's just annoying. I don't want to go to the doctor unless I absolutely have to.

Oh, and happy new year, everybody!


Anonymous said...

Keep taking the Sudafed. Also think about adding some motrin, it might help any swelling. Stick with the Neti pot too. Antihistimines might also help if you suspect any allergy that's making the situation worse.

It could also be a wax problem in which case the doctor is best (which is really frustrating). If you want to give that an at-home try...get debrox, a wax softener, and let it sit in the ear. Then flush with water from an ear bulb you can pick up at the drugstore. Sometimes I've found this can make it feel worse before it feels better but after several days of a clogged ear it could be worth a try.


Ellen Clair Lamb said...

Thanks -- Susan also suggested the ear bulb, so I'm hoping Rite-Aid is open today!

Madley said...

I've had this same thing in same ear for about a month too... I'm gonna try what your friend Kathleen says (thx!) before I go crawling to my doc... what an annoyance, huh!

Keep us updated...

I never said I was wise said...

I had the same problem. A cold that caused my ears to clog. Both of them. I went to the doctor and come to find out I had a double ear infection. Not all ear infections hurt or make you dizzy. I felt great, just couldn't hear so well. I suggest going to the doctor to get meds....

Madley said...

A follow-up: I ended up with a slight ear infection too. 10 days on a low dose of amoxycillin and things are clear as a bell :)