Monday, January 24, 2005

“Skin that smokewagon!”

The Movie: Tombstone, 1993 (Kevin Jarre, screenwriter; George P. Cosmatos, dir.)
Who says it: Kurt Russell as former lawman Wyatt Earp
The context: Earp says this a couple of times in the movie, daring outlaws to draw their guns on him.
How to use it: To dare someone to do their worst.

Tombstone is a great movie, but this line is pretty hilarious, especially taken out of context. I have a vivid memory of my cousin Moira saying this line, but I can't remember exactly when or why -- which suggests that it happened during one of our Thanksgiving weekends in Yosemite, whose details are a little fuzzy in my mind. (I blame the altitude.)

It worries me a little that I've heard nothing from either my insurance company or the Hi-Tech Auto Repair shop. Since Boston is still digging itself out from the weekend's snow, I don't know whether I'll be able to reach anyone this morning.

Gardiner was just above the big snow line; we got a perfectly civilized 5-6 inches. The Weatherpixie says it's -2F outside, but it feels warmer, because the sun is shining and the wind's let up.

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